Read Time: 3.5 min

One of the most underrated parts of the sales process is the demo.

Throwing s**t against the wall and seeing what sticks, hoping one of your features will pique the prospect’s interest, will not work.

This is why prospects ghost.

You’re not in the business of selling a product. You’re in the business of solving a problem. You solve problems by identifying where the source of pain comes from. This is the goal of the discovery (qualification) call.

If you want to close deals with more predictability, it’s imperative you master the psychology of the demo.

In this issue, I will discuss how to structure your demo, what slides to include and how to get them to the next step.

A Highly Personalized Demo Will Get You a Lot Further Than Feature Dumping.

Let’s dive right in. Here is the cadence (flow) of what a deck should look like.

Slide 1: Your Logo + Their Logo

Slide 2: Current Situation

Slide 3: Key Objectives

Slide 4: Demo Layout

Here’s an example.

Me: (Name), you mentioned on our previous call that one of your biggest bottlenecks is having the team manually do this work, as it eats up a lot of time that can be utilized elsewhere, right? (Pointing to the pain)

Prospect: Yes, that’s correct.

Me: Ok, cool. I’m about to show you how (your product) will automate this entire workflow and eliminate all the manual work. (Directing to the solution)

Following slide 4, you are going to demo your software. This should not take more than 10 minutes. Once you are finished showcasing the product, you will land on slide 5: Onboarding, and proceed through the rest of the deck. 

Slide 5: Onboarding

Slide 6: Expected Results

Slide 7: Pricing

Slide 8: The offer

Slide 9: Next Steps

Here Are Five Important Takeaways:

  1. A demo call she never be more than 45 minutes.
  2. Do not add bio slides to the deck. No one cares.
  3. On slides 2, 3, and 6, go through one bullet point per slide.
  4. When you present, point to the pain and direct to the solution.
  5. Less is more. I’ve seen clients close 6 figure deals with simple decks.

That’s all for today.

See you all next week!


P.S. If you are interested in learning more about Rampd, you can book a call here.


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